"Je eigen hond maakt geen lawaai, die blaft alleen maar." - Kurt Tucholsky

Vizsla Draadhaar en Ruwhaar Teckel Kennel Fényes Varázs

Vizsla Draadhaar... de jachthond met vele gezichten...

Glenda, Dylle, Gündi, Leentje, Maudszen, Soof, Tess, Unique en Ysa...


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Fényes Varázs Archie (Archie)

archie.gif13th august 2007

Hello, my name is Archie. I’m a four-month-old puppy. I come to the office with my dad Antony and my mom Verity every morning. As what the banner above says, 150 people, 25 nationalities, different voices even a puppy’s are welcomed here. Are you ready to see the agency through my eyes? Let’s get started. I’m a star! I’m a celebrity appearing in advertisements for a new campaign. Oh, in case you don’t know as much as I do about advertising, I’ll explain. Well, celebrity branding is a type of branding, or advertising, in which a celebrity uses his or her status in society to promote a product, service or charity. This campaign is to sell this, what they usually call the Product. Here come the advertisements.


Posters: (Needless to say, I’m the most handsome one. Otherwise, they won’t use the headline to cover these guys’ faces, not mine.)

Film: (not available anymore; sorry) How’s my acting? You know what, I managed to deliver what the director wanted for most scenes in one take, not bad for a puppy, right? However, the scene with John Norman needed 99 takes before they felt it was right. I felt so bad about that, hope he doesn’t take it personally! Interactive

Advertising: “Interactive, the future of advertising is here!” Even a puppy has been told about this. Work produced here runs globally. This one is no exception. People from all over the world can keep track of the progress on this blog. Drawings of You (Sarah, please link to http://drawingsofyou.blogspot.com) A campaign is a good one only if it helps selling the product. As a celebrity, to some extent, I feel responsible for the ineffectiveness. I need your support! Thank you very much!

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